08.30 – 09.00 Registration and welcome coffee
09.00 – 09.05 Welcome
09.05 – 09.15 Moderator’s opening remarks
09.15 – 11.00 Panel 1 – Getting the big picture – assessing the global impact of regulatory measures taken
Possible discussion points
- Are the measures taken so far accurately calibrated, i.e. are they sufficient? Are there any loopholes left? Is there a risk for overregulation?
- What role can financial regulation and supervision play in fostering stability and growth? Are the measures taken so far up to the task?
- Is it possible to foresee the global impact of the new regulatory framework? Is there a risk for unintended consequences or side effects? How will the financial industry adapt to the new rules?
Speaker line-up
Olle Schmidt Member of the European Parliament
Patrick Brady Director of Policy and Risk, Central Bank of Ireland
David T Llewellyn Professor Money and Banking, Loughborough University
Graham Bishop Independent consultant, EU financial regulation
Gerhard Huemer Director Economic Policy, UEAPME
Moderator: Huw Jones Thomson Reuters
11.00 – 11.15 Coffee break
11.15 – 13.00 Panel 2 – Steadying the European Banking system
Possible discussion points
- Can a European banking union help mitigate any future financial crisis?
- What will be the impact of structural reform, e.g disconnecting retail and investment banking, ban on proprietary trading (Volcker rule, UK ICB proposal).
- What role can regulation play in ensuring a stable and efficient banking system? Are the measures taken so far appropriate?
- What will be the future role of traditional banking compared to shadow banking? What regulatory measure should be taken in areas such as shadow banking, securitisation, ETFs and money market funds?
Speaker line-up
Jurgen Klute MEP
Charles Cannone Policy Officer, DG MARKT, Unit H4- FInancial Stability, European Commission
Philippe Richard Directeur, Direction des affaires internationales, ACP – Autorit de contrle prudentiel
Benoît Sauvage Adviser, Financial Market Regulation, The Luxembourg Bankers’ Association (ABBL)
13.00 – 14.00 Networking lunch
14.00 – 14.10 Moderator’s opening remarks
14.10 – 15.55 Panel 3 – The rise of investor protection – implications for European investors and the European fund industry
Possible discussion points
- The rise of investor protection – implications for European investors and the European fund industry. What will be the overall result? Will there be any unintended consequences?
- Will Europe be a safer place for investors with those directives in place?
- What can we expect from PRIPs?
Speaker line-up
Tilman Lueder Head of Unit G4- Asset Management, DG MARKT, European Commission
Urban Funered Minister – financial markets, capital movements, Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU
Guillaume Prache Managing Director, Euroinvestors
Stéphane Janin Director, Head of International Affairs Division, AFG (French Asset Management Association)
Moderator: Professor Mikael Petitjean, Ass. Professor, Louvain School of Management
15.55 – 16.10 Coffee break
16.10 – 18.00 Panel 4: Unveiling the new trading landscape
Possible discussion points
- New technology and new regulation is redrawing the European and global trading landscape. Is it possible at the present to assess the overall impact? What risks are there for unintended consequences?
- MiFID II and EMIR – how can we assure that we get the details right?
Speaker line-up
Peter Skinner MEP
Nick Collier Global Head of Government & Regulatory Affairs, Thomson Reuters
Alexander McDonald CEO, WMBA – the Wholesale Markets Brokers’ Association and LEBA – London Energy Brokers’ Association
Dr. Avv. Federico Parmeggiani DGlobal Research Fellow, New York University School of Law, Adjunct Professor of Corporate Law, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia