21 November 2017, 14.30 – 17.00, registration and welcome coffee from 14.00
Venue: Hotel Leopold Brussels EU, Rue du Luxembourg 35, 1050 Brussels
The transport sector is undergoing a deep change led by digital technology innovation generating new disruptive business models.
From fleet management to connected cars, from supply chains to urban mobility, the adoption and deployment of new technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data raise several critical issues to be addressed such as the cybersecurity, data protection and privacy, as well as interoperability to avoid a fragmented internal market.
In its communication “A European strategy on Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS), a milestone towards cooperative, connected and automated mobility”, the European Commission highlits the need of a correct legal framework for Europe to reap the benefits of the social and economic opportunities.
Possible discussion points:
- What are the current legal barriers preventing the development of innovative digital technologies in Europe?
- Can the EU propose a coherent framework to help with the large-scale deployment?
- How do we achieve interoperability? Are the solutions lying with the EU institutions or with the member states?
- How do we enable a free flow of data while ensuring data protection and privacy?
- Where do we stand with the liability issues pertaining to the use of ITS applications?
- How do we address safety and security issues?
Speaker line-up
Attila Benedek Transport Policy Adviser to MEP Istvn Ujhelyi, European Parliament
Nikolaos Isaris Deputy Head of Unit E4 – Internet of Things, DG CONNECT, European Commission
Irena Bednarich Director Corporate Affairs, Continental Europe, Middle East and Africa, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Prof Mischa Dohler Chair Professor, Department of Informatics, King’s College London
Mary Crass Head of Institutional Relations and Summit, ITF – International Transport Forum