The European Commission has stressed that Internet trust and security are vital for a vibrant digital society,and has presented 14 actions to improve cybersecurity within the European Union. The focus is to preserve a well-functioning internal market and free movement of data. This will boost growth and jobs under the cybersecurity initiative. The idea is to put legal measures for online security by placing incentives to foster investments, transparency and user awareness. Protection of information and ICT infrastructure is fundamental in a functional global economy. The price for cybersecurity is often barriers and loss of effectiveness when new demands slow down transactions and the flow of data.
Possible discussion points:
- How can a common approach to cybersecurity at the EU-level ensure that consumers and businesses become more interested in cross-border trade through the Internet?
- What costs should we expect and how much are consumers willing to pay in financial terms, with regard to freedom and reduced speed?
- What security measurements are necessary to implement a change in this direction?
- How could cybersecurity contribute to achieve the right conditions and a level playing field for digital networks and innovative services to flourish?
- What role does cybersecurity have in maximising the potential growth of the digital economy?
- What is needed to ensure consumer privacy and personal data protection?
- Which investments are needed on the EU-level to ensure that a common cybersecurity strategy is implemented in such a way that a level playing field is achieved?
- How should the EU avoid duplication of institutional structures and to what extent should the member states be able to decide on cybersecurity governance?
- How can the EU ensure a safe Internet without compromising efficiency and well-functioning financial services?
- What role does the financial industry play in preventing cyber attacks and what does industry expect from the EU for the coming years?
Speaker line-up
Gunnar Hökmark MEP and member of ITRE & ECON Committee, European Parliament
Peter Kerstens Adviser Cybersecurity, DG FISMA, European Commission
Mark Clancy Chief Executive, Soltra
Jan Neutze Director of Cybersecurity Policy EMEA, Microsoft
Moderator: Ulrich Seldeslachts CEO, LSEC Leaders in Security