21 January 2020, 14.30 – 16.45, registration and welcome coffee from 14.00
De Warande, Rue Zinner 1, 1000 Brussels
14.00 – 14.30 Registration and welcome coffee
Possible discussion points
- How can we better understand the threats posed by cyber-attacks? What risks are there in terms of disruption and financial stability?
- How can we ensure effective cooperation between industry and supervisors
- How can risks posed by third-party outsourcing such as cloud services best be managed?
- Does the concentration to a few third-party service providers and cloud services in particular, provide a systemic risk? Is there a need for specific legislation and oversight targeting those critical providers?
- What measures should be taken at the EU level? How can cyber security and operational resilience be incorporated into existing regulation?
- How can inconsistent reporting, terminology and templates be addressed?
14.30 – 14.40 Introduction by moderator
14.40 – 15.40 Introductory remarks by speakers
15.40 – 16.30 Panel discussion
16.30 – 16.45 Concluding remarks
Speaker line-up
Marina Kaljurand Member of the European Parliament
Boris Augustinov Policy Officer, DG FISMA, European Commission
Jonathan Davis Senior Director Cybersecurity, Visa
Jason Harrell Head of Business and Government Cybersecurity Partnerships, Technology Risk Management, DTCC
Patrick Papsdorf Head of Payments Oversight section, European Central Bank
Gianluca Pescaroli Lecturer in Business Continuity and Organisational Resilience, UCL Institute for risk and disaster reduction