26 May 2021 | 14.00 – 17.10 | Virtual networking from 13.30
This event will be held under Chatham House Rule.
14.00 – 15.30 | Panel 1 – The Global Perspective
14.00 – 14.05 Introductory remarks by Rebecca Christie Non-resident Fellow, Bruegel
14.05 – 14.40 Introductory remarks by speakers
14.40 – 15.30 Panel Discussion and Q&A
Discussion points
• How can we ensure that the globalization of financial services goes hand in hand with financial stability?
• How do we build a regulatory community that trust and defers one another?
• Equivalence – how can we make sure that it is interpreted the same way by everyone? Can equivalence be a catalyst for building enduring
relationships between the EU and third countries?
• How can the EU’s role as a global player be strengthened? What role can CMU and the Banking Union play?
• What will the new Biden administration mean for the EU-US relations in general and in the area of financial services in particular?
Alexandra Jour-Schroeder Deputy Director-General, DG FISMA, European Commission
Sharon Yang Deputy Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of the Treasury
Jacqueline Mesa Chief Operating Officer & Senior Vice President of Global Policy, FIA
Thomas Pohl Head Governmental Affairs, UBS & Secretary to the Board, Swiss Finance Council
Moderated by Rebecca Christie Non-resident Fellow, Bruegel
15.30 – 15.45 Virtual networking
15.45 – 17.10 | Panel 2 – The Future of the EU-UK Relationship
15.45 – 16.20 Introductory remarks by speakers
16.20 – 17.10 Panel Discussion and Q&A
Discussion points
• How will London’s role as a global and European financial centre be affected by Brexit?
• To what extent will firms and jobs move from London to financial centres inside the EU?
• How will the EU’s financial industry be affected by having London outside of the single market? What role may CMU play?
• To what extent can equivalence mitigate the loss of passport rights for UK based firms?
• To what extent might the equivalence be directed by non-regulatory issues? Will there be equivalence beyond key areas such as clearing?
• Will the UK try to keep equivalence, or will it deliberately diverge from EU regulation?
• What are the prospects for structured regulatory cooperation on financial services between the UK and the EU?
• What will happen with services not covered by equivalence?
• The March Memorandum of Understanding – a step in the right direction?
Danuta Hübner Member of the European Parliament
Paulina Dejmek Hack Director, General Affairs, DG FISMA, European Commission
Richard Knox Director Financial Services (International), HM Treasury
Nick Collier Managing Director, Brussels Office, City of London Corporation
Julien Jardelot Head of Europe, Government Relations & Regulatory Strategy, LSEG
Moderated by Rebecca Christie Non-resident Fellow, Bruegel