The recent development within the European Union with the European Commission’s action plan and the European Parliament’s reports clearly shows that the gambling issue has been put on top of the agenda. Going forward we can expect both a new legislation on EU level and renewed infringement procedures.
Possible discussion points
- Which initiatives can we expect from the new action plan?
- How far can we reach EU-level concerning problem gambling?
- What can be the implications of the new initiatives for private companies and state monopolies?
- Is there a future for a common EU license?
- Can the EU accept different taxation for online and land based casinos?
- There is a pressure on restarting the infringement procedures. What may this result in?
- Will the EU and/or national legislation be able to protect license holders from competition?
Speaker line-up
Ashley Fox Member of the European Parliament
Charmaine Hogan Policy Officer Unit E3 On-line and Postal Services, DG Markt, European Commission
Maarten Haijer Director of regulatory affairs, EGBA
Michael Bay Jørsel Danish Centre for Gambling Addiction
Moderator: Laurie Korpi Legal and Research Director, International, GamblingCompliance