23 March 2021 | 14.00 – 17.30 CET
Virtual networking from 13.30
Panel 1 – Financial stability, investor protection, and sustainability
Discussion points
- Has AIFMD enabled the monitoring of risk and financial stability?
- How can macro prudential concerns be addressed more effectively?
- Could supervisory reporting requirements be improved?
- How can macro prudential concerns be addressed more effectively?
- Does AIFMD assure a high enough level of investor protection?
- Is the coverage of the AIFMD license appropriate?
- How can AIFMD access to retail investors be improved?
- Can the AIFMD passport be improved in order to facilitate cross-border marketing and access for investors?
- How could investor classification be improved?
- Are the mandatory disclosures sufficient for investors to make informed decisions? Should they differ depending on the type of investor?
- Are the rules on conflicts of interest well balanced?
- Are the rules on valuation appropriate and clear?
- Are the AIFMD’s rules appropriate when it comes to the definition and disclosure of sustainability risks?
14.00 – 14.05 Introductory remarks by moderator
14.05 – 14.40 Introductory remarks by speakers
14.40 – 15.40 Panel discussion and Q&A
Sven Gentner Head of Unit C4 – Asset Management, DG FISMA, European Commission
Olaf Weeken Adviser, ESRB Secretariat
Chiara Sandon Senior Regulatory Policy Advisor, EFAMA
Aleksandra Mączyńska Executive Director, Better Finance
Julie Patterson Wealth & Asset Management, EMA FS Regulatory Insight Centre, KPMG
Panel 2 – Competitiveness, third-country rules, and delegation
Discussion points
- In which areas can the legal framework for the AIF market be improved?
- How can we achieve a more effective and well functioning EU AIF market?
- Has the AIFMD been successful in creating a single market for AIFs?
- How can we ensure that the AIFMD supports the competitiveness of the EU AIF industry?
- How can we ensure a level playing field between EU and non-EU AIFMs?
- Should there be more specific rules for the delegation process?
- Are the AIFMD delegation rules sufficiently clear to prevent the creation of letter-box entities in the EU?
- Are the delegation rules appropriate to ensure effective risk management?
- Should the AIFMD delegation rules be complemented?
- Should AIFMD standards apply regardless of the location of a third party?
15.55 – 16.30 Introductory remarks by speakers
16.30 – 17.30 Panel discussion and Q&A
Sven Gentner Head of Unit C4 – Asset Management, DG FISMA, European Commission
Giovanna Frati Policy Expert and Senior Analyst – Supervision on Asset Management Unit, CONSOB
Eve Finn CEO, Legal & General Investment Management Europe Ltd
Michael Pedroni Executive Vice President & Managing Director, Head of Global Research and Markets, Managed Funds Association
Agathi Pafili Head of Government Relations Europe, Capital Group
Julie Patterson Wealth & Asset Management, EMA FS Regulatory Insight Centre, KPMG